Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Pics

I am WAY behind in publishing my posts. Not that there's anyone waiting with bated breath to read them, but I want to try to stay somewhat up to date.
A couple of weeks a go we went to a local pumpkin farm to get, you guessed it, a pumpkin :)  This goes back to what I wrote about in my Changing Expectations post last month. I am making a conscience effort not to go into our various outings/occasions/experiences with a predetermined set of expectations, or with a picture of what the "perfect" version of the event will be. Of course with it being Fall my Facebook feed had been full of pictures of my friends' children enjoying the various pumpkin farms - pointing at and riding the animals, picking out their perfect pumpkin, doing various art activities and painting said pumpkins, etc. I wasn't going to let these visions cloud my experience with J. Our visit to the farm might look a little different than those of others, but that doesn't make it any less of an enjoyable experience. I chose one of the smaller, less crowded farms that doesn't have a ton of predetermined activities. My goal was to visit the farm, let J enjoy running around and taking in the sights, and to bring home a nice pumpkin. And, of course, get some awesome pics along the way. I think we succeeded...

As soon as we got there he was off..
He checked out the sheep
...and apparently he had something funny to say

I think that pumpkin is a bit too big
much better :)


checking out the hay maze

All in all we had a FUN time :)


  1. It looks like he had a BLAST! I know what you mean about changing expectations. When we went to the patch, little ones all around us were posing for pics and picking out their pumpkins. Dylan spent almost the entire time running around the patch, and didn't understand the concept of picking out a pumpkin. I managed to quickly snap a few pics, but it was definitely different than I expected! But, like you wrote, all in all we had a fun time too!

    I bet next year will be even more fun! :)

    In all of Jake's pics, he radiates pure joy. What a lucky mama you are. He is just pure sunshine.

  2. That is a very good point. We have to adjust expectations for events but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy them! He looks like he's having fun, what else could you ask for? Our Sophie doesn't "get" special events either but we bring her anyway. Then again, perhaps with 3other kids in the family it's easier for her to be just tagging along?
    Anyway I have a feeling it will be hard sometimes. Im already thinking about Christmas- can I not care that she won't care?

  3. Seeing J's smiles put a smile on my face so thanks for that. :-)
